True and tested recipes that we wanna share with each other.

Friday, February 25, 2005

Chicken and Almond Patties

600g minced chicken (kalau pakai Ramly minced chicken tu, boleh laa guna 2 packets)
1 red capsicum, diced
1 onion, finely chopped
1 clove garlic, crushed
70g finely chopped almond (ground almond is better)
2 tablespoon fresh/dried parsley
80g grated parmesan cheese
1 egg, lightly beaten
4 breakfast wheat biscuits, crushed (I just use Jacob wheat cracker)
pinch of sea salt
2 tbsp oil (for frying)

How to:-
1. Mix the minced chicken, capsicum, onion, garlic, almonds, parsley, grated Parmesan, biscuits and egg in a large bowl. Gaul sampai sebati semua adunan.
2. Shape into 15-20 pieces of patties (mini version of burger meat)
3. Heat the oil (kalau kuali besar boleh masak semua, kalau kecik, masak in batches) and cook the patties until brown or cooked.
Ready to serve with potato wedges and fresh green salad.

No need to deep fry the patties, sebab nanti jadik cam bergedil plak. 2 tbsp of oil are good enuff. Just like you cook the burger meat.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Spagetti Berkuah Tuna

Email di terima dari Cik / Puan Jasalina Japlus -

Bahan Bahan
Spaghetti ( direbus seperti biasa )

Sesudu kecil butter
1/2 kotak besar Fresh Milk ( kalau boleh jenama Marigold )
2 tin shredded Tuna in oil
8 keping Kraft Cheddar Cheese ( kalau nak lagi pekat boleh tambah ) – di potong kecil
1 tin cendawan butang – potong kecil
Garam secukup rasa.

Cara Cara
1. Panaskan periok, dan masokkan sedikit butter
2. Apabila butter cair, masukkan susu
3. Masukkan kesemua tuna ( buang minyak dulu kalau suka )
4. Masukkan kesemua cheese
5. Masukkan cendawan butang dan garam secukop rasa
6. Tunggu menggelegak sambil mengacau sentiasa supaya bahan bahan tersebut bercampur rata dan tidak melekat
7. Apabila cheese agak cair semuanya, dan kuah tersebut bercampur rata dan mengelegak, tutup api
8. Hidangkan dengan spaghetti yang sudah direbos

Selamat Menjamu Selera

Wednesday, February 23, 2005


Serves 4 people

500g beef strips (in my case, I just use minced beef)
2 table spoon plain flour
50g butter
1 large onion, sliced
1 clove garlic, crushed
100g mushrooms, sliced
3/4 cup beef stock (dilute beef cube in 3/4 cup of water)
1 tbsp tomato paste
3/4 cup sour cream (u can just use the normal cream)
1 tbsp finely chopped fresh parsley

1) Salut beef strips/minced beef with flour
2) Heat half the butter in a frying pan, cook the onion and garlic until golden. Add the sliced mushrooms, cook further until 3 mins, removed from the pan.
3) Heat the remaining butter in the same pan, add the beef, cook the beef until brown. Return the onion mixture and the beef to the pan.
4) Stir in the stock, tomato paste sampai mendidih. Reduce the heat and simmer for 2-3 mins. Add salt and pepper to taste.
5) Add sour cream and chopped parsley
6) Mix and stir everything together, serve immediately with rice or pasta (We had it with buttered rice and thought, errkk... pasta might be better suited.)


Thursday, February 17, 2005


Pix of baked meatballs click here

500g mince beef
1/2 cup soft breadcrumbs
1 egg (if u want to add 1 more egg is fine too)
2 teaspoons oregano leaves
1tablespoon extra VIRGIN olive oil
4 strips of beef bacon
1 cup grated cheese (can add more)

Pasta and sauce
400g fettuccine
2 x 245g cans Italian SEASONED tomatoes
1/4 cup chopped parsley

Mix mince beef, breadcrumbs, egg, oregano, salt and pepper in a bowl until well combined. Take abt 2 tablespoons of mixture and shape into balls. Heat oil in frying pan and cook meatballs till golden. Then put it in an ovenproof dish. Derind beef bacon and cut into thirds. Cook in the same frying pan as the meatballs were cooked in. Then add to meatballs.

Cook pasta in boiling salted water & a bit of oil till tender. Drain it. Arrange it over the meatballs. Mix tomatoes and parsley in frying pan and cook till boil. Pour over pasta and meatballs. Sprinkle with grated cheese and bake at 200C for abt 20 minutes or till golden.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Nasi Minyak Merry

Nasi minyak merry berlauk daging masak kurma, telur rebus & ayam goreng. Sorry nak letak gambar kat sini gambarnya tak mau pulak keluar. Nak tengok gambar klik sini

4 cawan beras
1 tin besar susu cair
1/2 cawan minyak sapi
1/4 cawan minyak kacang
1 camb majerin
2 camt gula
2 camt garam
4 1/2 cawan air - ikut beras camner, kalau beras tak pakai byk air kurangkan sukatan
halia dimayang
2 kuntum bunga lawang
4 kuntum bunga cengkih
1cm kulit kayu manis
2 biji buah pelaga
3 biji bawang merah dimayang
4 camb kismis (digoreng tapi jgn sampai terlalu garing)

Beras dibasuh bersih dan ditoskan. Panaskan minyak kacang, minyak sapi dan majerin dalam periuk, tumiskan bawang merah, halia, bunga lawang, cengkih, kulit kayu manis dan buah pelaga. Bila dah garing masukkan air, garam dan gula. Tutup periuk dan biar sehingga air mendidih. Kemudian masukkan susu dan beras. Kacau2 dan tutup semula. Biarkan seketika kemudian kacau lagi. Tutup periuk dan tunggu sampai nasi masak. Dah masak boleh tabur kismis dan bawang goreng diatasnya.
Lauk sampingan untuk dihidangkan bersama nasi minyak samada ayam masak merah / daging masak kurma.

Kuzi Ayam

Resipi dari Puan Fazilah Abdullah

Kuzi Ayam
Utk perap ayam6 ulas bawang merah }
4 ulas bawang putih } perap dengan ayam for few hours then goreng
2cm halia }

50g kismis - goreng dan tos minyak
6 ulas bawang besar - potong bulat dan goreng
2 sudu besar rempah kuzi
2 sudu besar minyak sapi
3 cawan air
1/2 botol sos tomato
1/2 tin susu cair
50g badam
Garam, gula

Cara Cara
1) Seperti biasa, panaskan minyak sapi then masukkan rempah kuzi dan air
2) Biar hingga mendidih
3) Masukkan susu cair, sos tomato, badam, gula,garam, bawang besar yg digoreng tadi.
4) Masak hingga mendidih.
5) Last masukkan kismis dan ayam.
6) Biarkan seketika

Tuesday, February 15, 2005


First and foremost, I would like to thank Dilla for giving me the permission to put the recipe in here. I have tried it, and it's superb and finger licking good. D pon cakap SEDAP. Buleh dimakan tanpa was was kerana ianya tiada mengandungi sekelumit pon alkohol.

Bahan Bahan
2 tubs of Mascarpone Cheese ( about 400 g )
500g Ready made custard
350g Creme Fraiche
1 packet Sponge Biscuit
2tsb Nescafe
3tsb Sugar

Cara Cara
1. Campurkan cheese, custard, creme frech di dalam mangkok. Gaol sampai rata dan halus ( sila guna tangan yer puan puan, tiada makna guna mesin ).
2. Bancuhkan nescafe dengan gula
3. Celupkan sponge biskut tadi ke dalam bancuhan nescafe
4. Untok layer pertama, masokkan bancohan cheese tadi dan di lapiskan dengan biskut yang telah di celup. Susun kasi sama rata. Ulang tayang sehingga selesai ( bancohan cheese haruslah berada di tempat yang paling atas ).
5. Taburkan serbok koko atau milo ( cadangan hiasan )
6. Buleh la di masokkan ke dalam peti sejok dan di biarkan semalaman.

Roasted "Rosemerry" Chicken


1. 3 pieces chicken thigh/breast (up to you)
2. 1 tbsp chicken seasoning
3. 3 tbsp olive oil
4. 30g butter
5. 1 tbsp dried rosemary (if u can get the fresh one, it's better!)
6. fresh parsley (chop finely)-dried parsley also can be used
7. Salt n pepper to taste
8. garlic and onion (crushed)
9. Vege for steaming (i.e: brocolli, carrot, couliflower, potatoes)

Mix ingredients 2-8 well. And marinate through the entire chicken parts. Let it sit for 2-3 hours. The longer the time, the better. Heat the oven at 200C, put the chicken on the baking tray, cover with aluminium foil. Baked for 20-25minutes. After that, take off the foil and place the veges around the chicken so that they'll soak the broth nicely and roast again for another 20-25min at 200c.

Serving suggestion: roasted chicken, cheesy spuds and steamed vege with white sparkling juice.

Friday, February 11, 2005

Nasi Goreng Sardin

D and me are so very the "tekak melayu". This is one of our favourites when my kemalasan comes.

Bahan Bahan
1 tin sardin ( in tomato sauce )
Bawang putih / merah
Minyak untok menumis
Cili Api ( nak pedas letak la banyak banyak eh )
Garam / Gula

Cara Cara
1. Tumbuk cili api hingga agak agak hancur, masokkan garam & gula dan tumbok lagi ( sila gunakan lesung batu dan bukan blender )
2. Panaskan minyak, masokkan bawang putih / merah - hingga naik bau
3. Masokkan cili api yang telah di tumbok tadi - kacau rata
4. Tuang sardin dan hancur hancurkan
5. Masokkan nasik - gaol rata dan biarkan atas dapur dalam 5-10 minit
7. Buleh la di hidangkan.

Cadangan Hiasan
Telor mata kebau.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Jambalaya - LWB's Way

Uploaded on LWB's Flickr.

Yeay, I did it. I cooked Chicken Jambalaya for dinner last night, in conjunction with Mardi Gras day ;) But because DH is a typical Melayu, I've to separate the rice, and jadi lah jambalaya ini versi nasi berlauk. Hehe.

Minyak untuk memasak
450g boneless chicken, cut into cubes
450g smoked turkey sausage, cut about 1 inch thick (in this case, I guna chicken sausage je)
1 red onion - chopped
1 green capsicum - chopped
1 celery rib - chopped
1 medium tomato - chopped
2 tablespoons Cajun Seasoning
2 bay leaves (malas nak beli, I guna basil saja)
1 cup grain rice
1 mug of chicken broth

Heat oil over medium-high heat in a deep skillet. Add chicken and sausage. Remove from skillet after 5 minutes of cooking.

Add onion, bell pepper and celery in the skillet and cook over moderate heat, stirring occasionally, until onion is softened. Stir in tomato, Cajun seasoning and bay leaves. Let it sit for awhile.

Then add in the cooked chicken and sausage. Gaul sehingga sebati ye puan-puan. Add the rice and chicken broth, biar dia mendidih. Lepas tu cover periuk tu, reduce heat to low and cook until rice is tender, stirring occasionally, about 25 minutes - macam masak nasi putih la.

Ok for me, I tak campur the beras sekali dalam periuk. Instead, I masuk kan the broth saja and bring it to boil.

Selamat mencuba :)

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Spicy Cajun Prawns

My dad loves this dish!

medium or large green prawns
1 teaspoon sweet paprika
½ teaspoon chilli flakes
2½ teaspoons Cajun spices
1 medium onion finely slised from top to base
½ finely sliced into strips red capsicum
4 cloves garlic, finely chopped
60g butter
½ cup cream (any takers to try this with coconut milk?)
1 tablespoon finely chopped parsley

Cut off the head and down the centre back of each prawns. Devine, but dont take out the shelves. Combine paprika, chilli flakes and Cajun spices, and sprinkle it over the prawns. Marinate for about 20-30 minutes.

Cook the onion, capsicum and garlic in the butter until well softened. Add the prawns and cook on high heat until it changes colour.

Add the cream and let simmer, stirring until the prawns are tender. Stir in parsley - and voila!

Blackened Fish - Cajun Style

125g butter
6 large white fish fillets
2 tablespoons Cajun spices
2 teaspoons sweet paprika

Brush each side of the fish fillet with butter. Mix the Cajun spices with paprika and sprinkle and rub it evenly over the fish.

Place the fish fillets in a pan over high heat. Turn over on each side for 1-2 minutes, and cook until the fish is done. The surface should be well charred on each side. Add extra butter in the pan if needed.

Serve hot with plain or buttered rice.

Monday, February 07, 2005

Cheesy Spuds

Bahan Bahan
Ubi Kentang
Bawang Putih
Kobis - finely grated
Sour Cream
Kiub Ayam Knorr ( di larutkan di dalam air mendidih, jangan telampau banyak air )
2 sudu makan minyak masak
Cheddar Cheese - fine grated

Cara Cara
1. Rebos ubi kentang hingga empok
2. Di dalam periok lain, panas kan minyak dan tumis bawang putih
3. Masokkan kobis yang telah di parut tadi dan kacau kacau hingga agak layu
4. Masokkan kiub ayam knorr yang telah di larutkan di dalam air mendidih
5. Biar mendidih dan tutup api
6. Mash ubi kentang sampai halus
7. Masokkan sour cream, kobis yang telah dimasak tadi dan gaul hingga rata
8. Masokkan ke dalam oven proof dish, taborkan cheese ke atas nyer
9. Masokkan ke dalam preheated over 180C, biar sampai cheese cair dan kuning kekuningan

note : Sesuai dijadikan as a side dish bila buat lamb chop selain dari minty salsa.

Easy Apple Crumble

Bahan Bahan
125g plain white flour
75g butter
25g brown sugar
50g porridge oats

Cara Cara
Peel and slice some desert apples and put in the bottom of an oven proof dish. Mix all the flour, marg and sugar until they are like breadcrumbs or, alternatively whizz the mixture for 15 seconds in the food processor. Stir in the oats and put the mixture on top of the apples. Bake on 190 degree oven for 40 to 45 mins.Allow to cool slightly and serve with hot / cold custard ( I prefer hot custard )

Bread And Butter Pudding


8 pieces of bread (potong tepi), sapu butter siap2
150ml fresh milk
100ml cream or evaporated milk
2 eggs
30g grated chocolate/cocoa powder
30g brown sugar
10g raisins
pinch of cinnamon ground (optional)


Sapu roti dengan butter, slice off the edge and sprinkle the brown sugar on top og the buttered bread. Then cut into triangular shape. Arrange neatly (cam you susun sandwiches) in the baking casserole/tray. Sprinkle the grated chocolate (good amount, if u like) and raisins. Then, mix together milk, cream and eggs. Beat well. And pour the mixture onto the bread. Preheat oven at 150C and bake for about 20-25 minutes. Serve warm with cream/milk/ice cream with sprinkle of cinnamon ground if you like on top.

*makes 4-5 serving.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Blueberry Muffins

Bahan Bahan
175g Blueberries (can get the Frozen one kat Supermarket)
2 biji Telur
240ml Susu Segar
120ml Minyak Sayuran
100g Gula
100g Soft Brown Sugar
375g Tepung ( plain )
4 sudu kecil Baking Powder
1 sudu kecil Garam

Cara Cara
1. Campurkan gula, minyak, telor dan susu di dalam bekas and quickly pukol together
2. Di dalam bekas yang berasingan, campurkan tepong, baking powder dan juga garam
3. Campurkan bahan kering ke bahan basah
4. Roughly mix it, tak smooth pon takpe
5. Masokkan blueberry
6. Masokkan ke dalam dulang pembakar
7. Bakar di dalam ketuhar 200C / Gas Mark 6

Chocolate Chip Muffins

Bahan Bahan
150g Plain Chocolate
2 Eggs
250ml Milk
125ml Vegetable Oil
100g Granulated Sugar
100g Brown Sugar
400g Flour ( plain )
4 teaspoons Baking Powder
1 teaspoon Salt
1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract

Cara Cara
1. Preheat the oven to 200°C (gas mk 6, 400°F). Place the eggs, oil, vanilla extract, sugars and milk in a large mixing bowl and beat together.
2. In another bowl place the flour, salt and baking powder and mix thoroughly.
3. Chop the chocolate into small pieces, and stir into the flour. Pour in the liquid, and mix together until just blended.
4. Line a muffin tray with paper muffin cases, and then fill each case to just below the top with the muffin mixture.
5. Bake the muffins for 20-25 minutes. They are cooked when a skewer inserted into one and then removed comes out clean ( apart from any chocolate! ).

Banana Chocolate Chips Muffin

Bahan Bahan
250 g flour
125 g granulated sugar
1 tbsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
100 g chocolate chips
1 large egg
40 ml cooking oil ( vege oil )
40 ml milk
3 mashed ripe bananas

Cara Cara
1. Preheat the oven to 200°C (gas mark 6, 400°F). Place the egg, oil, mashed bananas and milk in a large mixing bowl and beat together.
2. In another bowl place the flour, sugar, salt, baking powder and chocolate chips and mix.
3. Pour in the liquid into the dry mix and stir until just blended.
4. Line a muffin tray with paper muffin cases, and then fill each case to just below the top with the muffin mixture.
5. Bake the muffins for 20-25 minutes. They are cooked when a skewer inserted into one and then removed comes out clean ( apart from any chocolate! ).

Chikken Tikka


1) Boneless chicken breast
2) Halia (sebesar ibu jari)
3) Bawang putih dan merah
4) Serbuk Kari (satu sudu teh)
5) Serbuk Kunyit (satu sudu teh)
6) Garam Masala (satu sudu teh)
7) Perahan Lemon (perah jgn tak perah)
8) Coriander (in malay mende aa?)
9) Natural Yogurt (penggemuk antarabangsa)
10) Garam secukup rasa


Blend bahan (2) to (10) and marinate with the boneless chicken. Then bakar in the oven, and walla gerenti naik sekilo or two :) Just kidding! Bona Petite!!


Laksa Penang ala Jue-On (serves 4-5)

1) 500 gms of Ikan Kembung or Sardinne (better and lebih menjilat jaris)
2) Secubit Belacan (More cubits if you are not allergic)
3) 2 Bunga Kantan
4) Blended Bawang besar and kecil (about 10 campur2..kalau malas guna bwg besar only la)
5) Cili Kering (Di blend... nak pedas letak banyak kalau takmo..seniri mau ingat)
6) Daun Kesom (tatau in KL what it's called)
7) Asam Keping (berkeping2)
8) Garam Secukup Rasa
9) Laksa (or Spagetthi.. ikut suka hati)

Cara2 Membuat Kuah
Rebus ikan dan asingkan tulangnya. Some may like the ikans to be blended until crushed... I like it berkentul2 so I don't blend it. As for me, I just asingkan tulang. Then campur saja all the ikans, belacan, blended bawangs, daun keson, asam keping, garam, bunga kantan and 500 ml of water, and boil. Lepas tu rasalaa nikmatnya. Oh yeah before I forgot, laksa tu rebus dulu kay... heheh kot2laa tatau. Then hidangkan as you like. Some like it with nenas, bawang, telur rebus, petis (otak udang), cili potong, as u wish babeh. I like it naked. Laksa kosong with petis only. Slamat menchoba. Kalau tak sedap maknanya korang salah buatlaa tu. hahahah .



(Makes 1 medium sized bowl / container)

1 Medium Sized Swiss Roll
1 Packet Instant Jelly
1 Can Of Mixed Fruit Cocktail
1 Can Of Ideal Condensed Mik
2 -3 Tablespoon Of Bird's Eye Custard

Cara Caranya

1. Cut the Swiss Roll accordingly (not too thick, not too thin)
2. Susun the Swiss Roll in the bowl / container
3. Cook the Custard with the Condensed Milk and the water from the Fruit Cocktail
4. Pour the custard on top of the Swiss Roll
5. Cook the Jelly as per instructions on the packet. When the Custard is more or less beku already, pour out the Jelly on top of the custard.

5. Sprinkle the drained Fruit Cocktail on the Jelly while it is still cair.

Voila!! Amats la mudah..

ps: You can opt to change the layers according to your preference.

Baked Macaroni Chicken

150g macaroni/ any pasta u like (fettucine/penne/spaghetti)
1 can campbell chicken soup (can use other flava oso)
125ml milk (low fat/full cream also can)
5ml cream
3 chicken sausages (can use more)-cut into smaller pieces
1/2 cup mixed vege
salt and pepper to taste
pinch of mixed herbs (dried)
5g (or more) of shredded cheese (I use parmesan, but cheddar is ok too)

Caranya:Cooked the pasta until firm.
In the mean time, heat the Campbell soup, put in like 15ml water (u can add more water if u like it to be gravier). Stir until the water and soup mixed well. Put in the milk and cream, stir. Then, throw in the sausages and mixed vege. Stir, and add salt and pepper to taste. After everything is mixed, add the pasta into the mixture and stir until even.Heat the oven at 170C. Pour the mixture into the baking dish, shredded cheese on top and leave to cook in the oven for 15 mins or until the cheese has melt. Then, ready to serve 3-4 people on average.

White Chicken Stew with Buttered Rice

For buttered rice:
-Cook rice as usual, just add butter (I add about 30g, u can add more if u like) and don't forget to stir the rice and butter so that they'll mix well.

For White Chicken Stew
-1 part boneless chicken (or in my case, I used the leftover roasted chicken from last night dinner-Recycle is the name of the game here, ahaks!). Anyway, boneless chicken tuh, potong cube.
-1 onion (dicincang halus)
-2 garlics (dicincang halus jugak)
-30g butter (kire cam 1 full table spoon)
-60g mixed vege (or secawan or lagi banyak pun takpe, vege kan?)
-1 can Campbell's mushroom-100ml susu (optional)
-100ml water-1 table spoon olive oil-salt and pepper to taste
-parsley to taste (optional)

Cara-caranya ye Cik Senah:
Cairkan butter (medium heat) and letak 1 1/2 tbsp olive oil to avoid butter from hangus (trick I lean frm Discovery's Taste of Travel). Pass tuh, goreng bawang besar and garlic until light brown. After that, masukkan chicken, fried well. Then add in Campbell mushroom soup, milk (optional, kalau nak lagi creamier) and water. Stir until all pepejal all mix well. Add in the mix vegetable. Simmer for 5 minutes. Then, ready to serve... :D

Spagetti Meatballs

This is the collaboration between me and Lara. So here it goes:

250g minced beef
3 batang daun bawang (spring onions)
Pinch of dried/fresh parsley
2 tbsp tomato puree
Salt and pepper to taste

Mix all the ingredients well, then uli bulat2 (like ping pong balls) and fry until golden.

Mee Kuah - Ciptaan Sendiri

Resipi ni adalah rekaan semata mata. Tidak penah tersiar di mana mana akhbar maupon majalah. Disebabkan duduk nun jaoh dari gerai gerai makan, inisiatif untok mencipta resipi adalah amat tinggi.

Bahan Bahan
Mee Kering - memandangkan kat sini takde mee basah, jadi saya gunakan mee kering
Carrot - di potong bunga
Bunga Kobis
Jagung Muda
Sedikit Kicap Kipas Udang
Kiub Ayam Knorr - dilarutkan dengan air mendidih ( kalu nak banyak kuah, tambah la kiub tu dan juga air )
Fish Sauce - sebab saya tak guna garam
Sos Tomato

Bahan Tumis
Bawang Putih
Bawang Merah
Cili Kering - telah di blend

Cara Cara
1. Panaskan minyak, tumis kedua dua bawang hingga naik bau
2. Masokkan cili kering dan sedikit air
3. Masokkan daging - biar sampai agak kering
4. Masokkan bahan bahan perasa - kicap, fish sauce, sos tomato & gula - Kacau rata
5. Apabila sudah sebati, masokkan kiub pati ayam Knorr yang telah di larutkan tadi
6. Masokkan sayor sayoran sekelian
7. Biar mendidih dan rasa rasa agak masak, sila tutup api.
8. Bagi yang menggunakan mee kering, mee tesebut hendak lah direbus di dalam air mendidih selama 3, 4 minit. Bila sudah masak, toskan dan percikkan beberapa titis Sesame Oil.
9. Masokkan mee ke dalam mangkok, dan tuang kuah ke dalamnyer dan buleh lah di hidangkan.

Selamat Melantak

ps : Cadangan hiasan : Telor rebos, cili potong & daun bawang

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Iced Mint Tea

4 peppermint tea bags
1/3 cup honey (about 115 ml)
2 cups grapefruit juice (about 500ml)
1 cup orange juice (about 250 ml)
mint sprigs to garnish

Place the tea bags in a large jug and pour in 3 cups of boiling water. Allow to seep for 3 minutes, and then remove and discard the teabags.

Stir in the honey and aloow to cool.

Add the grapefruit and orange juice into the jug. Cover and chill in the refridgerator.

Serve and garnished with fresh mint sprigs.

Makes 6 X 250ml glasses.