True and tested recipes that we wanna share with each other.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005


(Makes 1 medium sized bowl / container)

1 Medium Sized Swiss Roll
1 Packet Instant Jelly
1 Can Of Mixed Fruit Cocktail
1 Can Of Ideal Condensed Mik
2 -3 Tablespoon Of Bird's Eye Custard

Cara Caranya

1. Cut the Swiss Roll accordingly (not too thick, not too thin)
2. Susun the Swiss Roll in the bowl / container
3. Cook the Custard with the Condensed Milk and the water from the Fruit Cocktail
4. Pour the custard on top of the Swiss Roll
5. Cook the Jelly as per instructions on the packet. When the Custard is more or less beku already, pour out the Jelly on top of the custard.

5. Sprinkle the drained Fruit Cocktail on the Jelly while it is still cair.

Voila!! Amats la mudah..

ps: You can opt to change the layers according to your preference.


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