Roasted "Rosemerry" Chicken
1. 3 pieces chicken thigh/breast (up to you)
2. 1 tbsp chicken seasoning
3. 3 tbsp olive oil
4. 30g butter
5. 1 tbsp dried rosemary (if u can get the fresh one, it's better!)
6. fresh parsley (chop finely)-dried parsley also can be used
7. Salt n pepper to taste
8. garlic and onion (crushed)
9. Vege for steaming (i.e: brocolli, carrot, couliflower, potatoes)
Mix ingredients 2-8 well. And marinate through the entire chicken parts. Let it sit for 2-3 hours. The longer the time, the better. Heat the oven at 200C, put the chicken on the baking tray, cover with aluminium foil. Baked for 20-25minutes. After that, take off the foil and place the veges around the chicken so that they'll soak the broth nicely and roast again for another 20-25min at 200c.
Serving suggestion: roasted chicken, cheesy spuds and steamed vege with white sparkling juice.
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