True and tested recipes that we wanna share with each other.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Chikken Tikka


1) Boneless chicken breast
2) Halia (sebesar ibu jari)
3) Bawang putih dan merah
4) Serbuk Kari (satu sudu teh)
5) Serbuk Kunyit (satu sudu teh)
6) Garam Masala (satu sudu teh)
7) Perahan Lemon (perah jgn tak perah)
8) Coriander (in malay mende aa?)
9) Natural Yogurt (penggemuk antarabangsa)
10) Garam secukup rasa


Blend bahan (2) to (10) and marinate with the boneless chicken. Then bakar in the oven, and walla gerenti naik sekilo or two :) Just kidding! Bona Petite!!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Jue-On 5:02 PM ⇔,

One of the article groups on my site is recipes ... while searching for details on zucchini recipes, I came across Chikken Tikka .

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There are no costs involved ... please come over and have a look at my blog articles directory for yourself.

Kind Wishes

6:30 pm


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